Section 504 provides that no qualified individual with a disability should, only by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.This Web page provides a wide variety of resources with two goals in mind:
1) to provide guidance to persons with disabilities about their rights under Section 504 and related statutes, the exercise of those rights, and what information and resources are available from HUD; and
2) to provide recipients of HUD financial assistance with information regarding their obligations under Section 504, an overview of relevant regulatory provisions, and information about steps they may take to ensure that they are in compliance.
- Information for persons with disabilities on how to file a complaint, and information for recipients on what to expect if a complaint is filed against them;
- A section on practical application of Section 504 to real world situations, in an easy to follow question and answer format;
- Links to documents, such as regulations, handbooks and notices, that relate to Section 504 compliance located on other HUD Web sites; and
- Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
We are fully committed to ensuring that its programs and activities are accessible to everyone, and that our Section 504 Web site will promote information-sharing and dialogue among all those who share this commitment.We will be adding to the Web site as needed, and we invite you to let us know about ways we can improve it. Please contact Vern Ohler at 724 628 7750
with your comments and suggestions.Thank you for your interest and support.
The website below is for the United States Access Board
Advancing Full Access and Inclusion for All
Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS)
- 1331 F Street NW, Suite 1000
- Washington, DC 20004-1111
- Voice: (202) 272-0080 or (800) 872-2253
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- Fax: (202) 272-0081
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