Local Foods, Local Places
Local Foods, Local Places
The below PDF is the Local Foods Local Places
Final Document
The below PDF is the Local Foods Local Places
Final Document
Connellsville LFLP Final CAP (2).pdf (PDF — 19 MB)
Local Foods, Local Places, established as a national initiative in 2014, helps people create walk able, healthy, economically vibrant neighborhoods through local food enterprise. The White House Rural Council and six federal agencies (U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Transportation, Delta Regional Authority, and Appalachian Regional Commission) selected 27 communities to participate in Local Foods, Local Places in 2016. A team of experts will help community members set goals and plan projects. Projects include farmers markets, local food cooperatives, community gardens, and other food-related enterprises that can boost local economies and drive downtown and neighborhood revitalization. By promoting better health and stronger economies, Local Foods, Local Places supports the White House Rural Council efforts to alleviate poverty and boost wellness among children. Local Foods, Local Places helps communities to implement their plans by accessing federal programs and attracting private investment.
The Redevelopment Authority in Connellsville, Pennsylvania, will receive technical assistance to attract more producers to the farmers market, expand cultivation of specialty crops, develop a flexible kitchen space facility, and establish a restaurant corridor reflective of the area’s historically diverse cultures to entice people to downtown.